Friday, November 21, 2008

Where is My Bailing Bucket?

A lot of peoples' safety rafts have sprung a leak lately, and the government is handing out billions in bailouts. Most of us know that by now. The big 3 automakers are asking for help now also. Well I guess I should say more help, they have already received money. Millions of jobs could be lost should these companies fail. I say let them. Greed runs rampant within these companies, from the bottom up. A town I use to live in had both a Ford and GM plant. Once a worker was in the union they would make anywhere between 15 - 20 dollars an hour to do work a monkey could do… okay, maybe a parrot or dolphin given the right appendages. The work is simple for the most part is the point. They get in the union within a few months of starting at the factory. Why was the union created? To ensure FAIR wages for the employees. Now when these companies were making tons of money the workers deserved it, but now these companies are looking at bankruptcy. Instead of the unions coming forwarding and saying hey I would rather have 5 dollars less an hour then not receive a paycheck at all they set back and wait for a bailout or ask for more, you know raises and such. Now let's look to our Mercedes, Hyundai and Toyota plants. No unions, good wages, and they are doing very well. Hyundai said they may have to a cut back a few days due to the lack of demand but people aren't getting laid off, out of work for weeks nor are factories closing. Not only that but more foreign car factories are set to open, two being KIA and Volkswagen. I'm not putting all the blame on the worker, I mean if I could go and work for 20 an hour at an easy job I would too. I blame the unions, the company themselves for over pricing their products that for the most part isn't worth it most of the time in my opinion and everyone else just for only thinking about how much money they want (which is always more than what they have) and getting themselves into this mess in the first place.

What I want to know is who is going to save me? When I got divorced the court order my ex to pay on a house we had bought together but he never did. It foreclosed and completely ruined my credit. (FYI I had paid on the house for two years by myself while the divorce was going on.) He may not have been able to handle it due to the fact the adjustable rate kicked in a couple of weeks after the divorce was final. I don't know. He could have just wanted to be a complete ass. Still though, my credit it is useless due to a court order that was unenforced. I don't believe this is fair considering I did everything I was supposed to. Who is going to bail me out I wonder?

New Hours

So right now I am not finding time to write three times a week so for now I am going to cut back to two times a week. Since Monday seems to be a bad day for me just out of things I always seem to have to do I have picked the days of Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday may change after the holidays due to the fact it is a day my husband should have off, but for now he only has one day off a week. So goes the life of a retail manager and his wife.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What -ism It?

By now we all know who the president elect is. If you don't what rock have you been hiding under? Barrack Obama received the nod from the American people, without or with the help of racism. Personally, I didn't vote. I thought they were both good men, and both would do the country a great service whoever should have been the winner. Most people I personally know voted for McCain. I don't talk politics, so I don't know their reasons. My parents are republicans so that was their reason. My husband voted for Obama. So here is the point. We all know of someone who didn't vote for Obama because he is black. That is racism plain and simple. I know of people that would have got out of the military nor would have voted for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. This is sexism. What I wonder is what is it called when you vote for someone just because they are black or just because they are a woman? I can site reasons that sticking to your own kind just because they are as being a bad thing. I think Obama will be a great president. I also think if someone voted for him just because he is black that it was a bad idea. I just wonder what -ism is it?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saying What? to Real

To Whom It May Concern:

I was watching TV one day to see a good message about saying no to fake, over processed food and to say yes to eating something actually good for you. I was very shocked to see the product you were pushing. Mayonnaise! Seriously? I know your point is that with a balanced diet you can eat just about anything, but to try to sell your product by suggesting that mayonnaise is actually good for you is just a bit wrong. Tomato, lettuce, bread and turkey do make for a healthier lunch than a burger and fries. Omega-3s are good for you. However, a lot of hamburgers have mayonnaise on them too. Are these bad or good? Mayonnaise does not make something a better choice. All the experts I have heard say a big no to mayonnaise. The fact is a person that eats healthy and exercises can eat what they choose. This is because they are choosing healthy foods and a small amount of mayonnaise would not kill a healthy diet, but mayonnaise is not part of a healthy diet nor is it not good for you. There are two ingredients on your label that should make anyone question the 'real' of your product, natural flavors and Calcium Disodium EDTA. Real food doesn't have natural flavors added to them nor should they need them in my opinion. If you are supposed to eat it then nature would intend for it to taste good. The second screams of processing to me. Calcium Disodium EDTA as stated by your label is used to protect quality. Preservatives have been suggested in studies to be the real reason for hyperactivity in children, so another hit towards your commercial for suggesting it would be great for them. One table spoon of your Mayonnaise would be 15% of my daily intake of fat, and that dear sir or madam does not to me suggest it should be pushed as something healthy.

The ad.